Comprehensive Project Details
Project Location Details
Project Name Project Location Project District Project Tehsil Promoter Name
ELEVATE (PHASE II) Village Behrampur, Sector-59, Gurugram GURUGRAM Wazirabad ST HERITAGE MAX REALTECH PVT. LTD.
Project Detail
Project Registration Number Project Id Receiving Date Online Submission Date Current Status Next Date of Hearing Notice Dispatched Notice Dispatched On Notice Tracking Id Notice Dispatched Remarks View Notice Initially Scrutinized Remarks Details of Project(Form A-H)
Not Yet Approved/Certificate Not Uploaded Yet RERA-GRG-710-2020 12-Apr-2021 02-Apr-2021 Extension Certificate Uploaded NOT REQUIRED Yes 16-Apr-2021 - 1st deficiency notice
1st deficiency notice sent to the promoter View Form(A-H)
Project Listing Details
Date of Hearing Proceedings of the day Status Order
22-Jun-2021 Proceedings dated: 22.06.2021 Sh. S.K. Kaushik (AGM) is present on behalf of the promoter. An application regarding registration of group housing colony project namely “Elevate Phase II” situated at sector 59, Gurugram being developed by M/s Heritage Max Realtech Pvt Ltd was submitted on 13.04.2021 under section 4 of Real Estate (Regulation and Development), Act 2016. This application for registration is part of the group housing residential colony which has been licensed vide 3 nos. licenses issued in favor of various landowners. 1.      License no. 16 of 2008 dated 31.01.2008 valid up to 30.01.2025. BTVS Buildwell Pvt Ltd and 7 others 2.      License no. 28 of 2008 dated 17.02.2008 valid up to 16.02.2025. BTVS Buildwell Pvt Ltd and 9 others 3.      License no. 44 of 2011 dated 13.05.2011 valid upto12.05.2024. Aspirant Builders Pvt Ltd and 3 others Hence, the total licensed area of the project is 34.175 acres out of which DTCP, Haryana has granted a permission of development and marketing rights (BIP) on 8.92 acres out of the total licensed area in favour of M/s Heritage Max Realtech Pvt Ltd and M/s IREO Pvt Ltd. Now M/s HMRPL solely developing the project, in this regard IREO has been issued a NOC in favour of HMRPL on 19.03.2019. HMRPL has got approved the building plan of 8.92 acres from DTCP, Haryana on 14.03.2018. But after the government imposes certain conditions that no development could be started until the investigation on the land is not completed, then HMRPL has obtained revised building plan from 8.92 acres to 7.752 acres on 25.04.2019. The promoter (HMRPL) has obtained registration of project named as “Elevate Phase-I” for an area admeasuring 5.95 acres vide RC no. 19 of 2019 from HARERA, Gurugram. The remaining unregistered area is 2.97 acres for which the application applied by the promoter on 13.04.2021. After the scrutiny of the application, deficiencies were noticed, which were conveyed to the promoter vide notice no. HARERA/GGM/RPIN/325 dated 16.04.2021 with directions to remove the deficiencies failing which their application may be rejected following the due procedure as provided under section-5 of the Real Estate Regulation and development) Act 2016 and Rule-5 of the Haryana Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Rules, 2017. Also, an opportunity of hearing was given on 10.05.2021. In reference to the notice dated 10.05.2021, the promoter had not submitted the reply of deficiencies and an e-mail request has been received dated 07.05.2021 for adjournment due to disastrous impact of the Covid wave in the country, Delhi Government has imposed lockdown starting from 19.04.2021. In the light of the prevailing circumstances of Covid-19, it is not possible for the promoter to send their officials in the authority to present their case and to compile & submit the documents required in terms of the deficiency notice dated 16.04.2021. Therefore, the promoter requested for an extension of two weeks for the submission of the required documents, subject to any further advisory of the Government. The request of the promoter was considered by the authority and the promoter was advised to rectify the deficiencies and submit deficit documents. On 25.05.2021, the promoter has submitted the reply, which was scrutinized, and it was found that all the deficiencies have been fulfilled by the promoter. As on now, the promoter needs to submit the detailed project information and corrected REP-I (Part A-H). The authorized representative of the promoter has submitted that within a week final DPI after incorporating all observations, shall be submitted. Meanwhile, their project be registered as all the deficiencies have been attended by the promoter and only corrections are to be incorporated in the DPI and REP-I (Part A-H). Therefore, the authority directs the promoter to submit the final corrected detailed project information/online DPI along with REP-I (Part A-H) within one week. After detailed scrutiny, the authority considers the application for registration of project and decided to grant registration. APPROVED AND READY FOR CERTIFICATE ISSUING PROCESS ---
10-May-2021 Due to Covid-19 pandemic, authority meeting could not be held. Now, the authority has decided to fix the matter on 22.06.2021. EXAMINATION BY AUTHORITY ---