25-May-2022 |
Ms. Prachi Singh Planning Executive briefed about the case.Sh. Ajay Kumar (Asstt Manager) and Anurag are present on behalf of the promoter.An application regarding registration of residential floors projects namely “Signature Global City -V (2) situated atVillage-Hariyahara, Sector-36, Sohna, Gurugram, Haryana being developed by M/s Signature Global Homes Pvt. Ltd.was submitted on 10.05.2022 under section 4 of Real Estate (Regulation and Development), Act 2016.This application for registration is a part of the affordable residential plotted colony under DDJAY which falls underlicense no. 118 of 2019 for area admeasuring 10.53125 acres dated 12.09.2019 valid up to 11.09.2024 being issued infavour of M/s Ashok Kumar and others in collaboration with M/s International Land Developers Pvt. Ltd. Further, thepromoter obtained change of developer vide order no.LC-4087/Asstt(AK)/2019/30737 dated 13.12.2019 which gotregistered by the authority vide RC no. 18 of 2020 dated 20.07.2020 valid upto 31.12.2021. The completion certificateis obtained by the promoter for area admeasuring 10.53125 acres vide memo. no. LC-4087-JE(MK)-2022/12184 dated06.05.2022.The project comprises of 152 plots out of which 79 plots are frozen and 73 plots are unfrozen. The promoter has gotregistered 9.13905 acres having residential floor 292 units on 73 unfrozen plots and 1 commercial tower with 90shops vide RC no. 30 of 2020 dated 08.10.2020. Now, the promoter has submitted the application regarding 79 frozenplots on which total of 316 units are to be constructed.On scrutiny of the application, some of the deficiencies and observations were observed which were conveyed to thepromoter vide notice no. HARERA/GGM/RPIN/464 dated 19.05.2022. The promoter has submitted the reply dated20.05.2022 which was scrutinized and still the following documents are pending which are mentioned below: -1. The annexures in the online are not uploaded as well as the correction needs to be done in the online (A-H).2. Corrections in Detailed Project Information needs to be done.3. Copy of approved building plans of residential plots need to be submitted.4. Copy of non-encumbrance certificate certified by tehsildar of the Revenue department need to be provided.5. The legal documents i.e., application form and conveyance deed need to be provided.6. The Legal documents i.e., Builder buyer agreement and allotment letter related to allottees is not in the properformat. The same needs to be revised.7. Cost of land for the area applied for registration needs to be clarified. An annexure in support of the same needsto be submitted.8. Interest cost as mentioned in Part-D needs to be clarified.9. Cost of IDW needs to be eliminated from the cost of project and adjusted in the cost of plots.10. Financial resources of the project need to be corrected.11. Saleable area of the project needs to be clarified.12. Non default certificate needs to be revised and should not be 6 months prior to the date of application ofregistration.13. Bank undertaking needs to be revised.14. CA Certificate for expenditure incurred up to the date registration needs to be submitted.The promoter is directed to submit the deficit documents before the next date of hearing.Some of the deficiencies have been attended which need to be scrutinised by the office. Left out deficiencies asmentioned out of the above if pending be attended by the promoter before next date of hearing.The Authority has viewed it seriously that QPRs and annual audit reports of various projects by the promoter or itsassociated companies have not been regularly submitted. The promoter may reconcile the reports if submitted in theAuthority and balance reports be completed within a week both in online and offline mode. The Authority reserves itsright to initiate penal proceedings against the promoter for violation of section 4 and section 11(1) of the Act. The matter to come up on 30.05.2022. |
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