Comprehensive Project Details
Project Location Details
Project Name Project Location Project District Project Tehsil Promoter Name
Signature Global SCO 36 Sohna Village Dhunela, sector 36, sohna district,Gurugram GURUGRAM Sohna SIGNATUREGLOBAL (INDIA) LIMITED
Project Detail
Project Registration Number Project Id Receiving Date Online Submission Date Current Status Next Date of Hearing Notice Dispatched Notice Dispatched On Notice Tracking Id Notice Dispatched Remarks View Notice Initially Scrutinized Remarks Details of Project(Form A-H)
Not Yet Approved/Certificate Not Uploaded Yet RERA-GRG-1042-2022 24-Mar-2022 16-Mar-2022 Extension Certificate Uploaded NOT REQUIRED Yes 18-Apr-2022 BY HAND BY HAND
The hearing is fixed for 23.05.2022. View Form(A-H)
Project Listing Details
Date of Hearing Proceedings of the day Status Order
06-Jun-2022 Proceedings dated: 06.06.2022 Sh. Ajay Kumar (Asst. Manager) is present on behalf of the promoter. Sh. Ashish Kush, Planning Executive briefed about the facts of the case. Approved as Recommended.Member (Vijay Kumar Goyal)Chairman (Dr. K.K. Khandelwal) APPROVED AND READY FOR CERTIFICATE ISSUING PROCESS View Order
30-May-2022 Sh. Ashish Kush, Planning Executive briefed about the facts of the case.Sh. Ajay Kumar (Asstt Manager) and Sh. Anurag Srivastava are present on behalf of the promoter. Apart from rectification of the above deficiencies the promoter is advised to submit a certificate from the concerned branch regarding submission of the annual audit report of project accounts in respect of projects registered till 31.03.2021 and QPRs of the projects of the promoter till last quarter is to be submitted.  The matter to come up on 06.06.2022..Member (Vijay Kumar Goyal)Chairman (Dr. K.K. Khandelwal) ADJOURNMENT View Order
25-May-2022 Sh. Ashish Kush, Planning Executive briefed about the facts of the case. Sh. Ajay Kumar (Asstt Manager) is present on behalf of the promoter. The authority directed the promoter to submit the deficit fee alongwith the deficit documents mentioned below: Deficit Fee- Rs 6,33,560/- The annexures in the online application are not uploaded as well as the correction needs to be done in the online (A-H) application. Online DPI needs to be corrected. Approved Service Plan and Estimates needs to be submitted. Approvals / NOC’s from various agencies for connecting external services like road, and storm water drainage needs to be submitted. Land Title search report needs to be revised. Project report needs to be revised as the details are incorrect. Pert Chart needs to be revised. Draft Allotment letter needs to be revised. Draft Builder Buyer Agreement needs to be revised. Draft brochure of the project needs to be submitted. Details of any other cost as mentioned in miscellaneous cost needs to be clarified. Bank undertaking needs to be provided. Form REP-II needs to be revised as details of charge needs to be incorporate. Repayment schedule of loan needs to be submitted.   Some of the deficiencies have been attended which need to be scrutinised by the office. Left out deficiencies as mentioned out of the  above if pending be attended by the promoter before next date of hearing. The Authority has viewed it seriously that QPRs and annual audit reports of various projects by the promoter or its associated companies have not been regularly submitted. The promoter may reconcile the reports if submitted in the Authority and balance reports be completed within a week both in online and offline mode. The Authority reserves its right to initiate penal proceedings against the promoter for violation of section 4 and section 11(1) of the Act. The matter to come up on 30.05.2022.Member (Vijay Kumar Goyal)Chairman (Dr. K.K. Khandelwal) ADJOURNMENT View Order
23-May-2022 Sh. Ashish Kush, Planning Executive briefed about the facts of the case. Sh. Ajay Kumar (Asstt Manager) is present on behalf of the promoter. The authority decided to adjourn the matter and fixed for 25.05.2022.Member (Vijay Kumar Goyal)Chairman (Dr. K.K. Khandelwal) EXAMINATION BY AUTHORITY View Order