Comprehensive Project Details
Project Location Details
Project Name Project Location Project District Project Tehsil Promoter Name
Zara Aavaas-3 Sector 104, gurugram GURUGRAM Gurgaon Perfect Buidwell Pvt Ltd
Project Detail
Project Registration Number Project Id Receiving Date Online Submission Date Current Status Next Date of Hearing Notice Dispatched Notice Dispatched On Notice Tracking Id Notice Dispatched Remarks View Notice Initially Scrutinized Remarks Details of Project(Form A-H)
Not Yet Approved/Certificate Not Uploaded Yet RERA-GRG-765-2020 25-Feb-2021 23-Jan-2021 Extension Certificate Uploaded NOT REQUIRED Yes 03-Mar-2021 BY HAND BY HAND
Hearing is fixed for 15.03.2021. View Form(A-H)
Project Listing Details
Date of Hearing Proceedings of the day Status Order
06-Jul-2021 Proceedings dated: 06.07.2021. Ms. Bhanu Chhabra, Architectural Executive briefed the facts about the project. Sh. Rajeev Srivastava and Sh. Pawan Kumar are present on behalf of the promoter. An application is made by the Promoter “M/s Perfect Buildwell Pvt. Ltd.” for the project “Zara Aavaas-3” with the prescribed fee for registration of its real estate projects. (Interim Haryana Real Estate Regulatory Authority already has 2 phases registered of the Project, (Phase 1) having Registration. No. 152 of 2017 dated:23.08.2017 registered. (5.00625 Acres), (Phase 2) having Registration. No. 21 of 2019 dated:01.04.2019 (1.031Acres)). The project has been divided in the phases based on the license area of a license. This is an additional license and for the license no. 12 of 2014 -OC issued. For license no. 96 of 2017-Construction work is in progress. Registration for the phase-1 was issued by Interim Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Panchkula and For Phase-2 registration was done by this Authority for the balance area of the project at that point of time. Now, for the additional license registration is being applied as phase 3. No area remains without registration after registration of this phase as on now. On scrutiny of application, it was found that there were deficiencies in the application which have been mentioned in PE, CA, LE scrutiny. Hence, the promoter was issued 1st deficiency notice vide notice no. HARERA/GGM/RPIN/302 dated 03.03.2021 to remove the above deficiencies/ observations and given an opportunity of hearing on 15.03.2021. A letter was issued to the Department of Town and Country Planning regarding the phasing of the project. Major deficiency of the Project- 1. Environment Clearance needs to be submitted. 2. Fire scheme approval needs to be submitted. 3. Approved Service plans and estimates needs to be submitted. 4. Pert Chart needs to be submitted. 5. Layout plan superimposed on the demarcation plan showing the khasra numbers needs to be submitted. In the 18.06.2021 reply, Promoter has also requested with an Affidavit that he will obtain the service plan and estimates, fire scheme approval and environment clearance approval in due course of time. Proceedings dated 29.06.2021- The AR of the promoter submitted that the service plan estimates, fire scheme, and environmental clearance approval will come tomorrow i.e., 30.06.2021.  The promoter was asked to submit a copy of the above approvals within the next 2 days. The matter regarding environmental clearance is pending at the SEIAA and likely to be issued within one month. As per affordable housing policy the promoter is duty bound to obtain environmental clearance within one year of draw of lots. In case it is not received within the stipulated period the promoter must face the consequences as per the policy of the Government amended from time to time. The promoter has submitted copy of the fire scheme submitted for approval to the competent authority. The promoter has also submitted the copy of service plans and estimates as submitted to the competent authority. The promoter must give an undertaking on an affidavit that necessary approvals shall be submitted and online filed within two months. Although the Authority insists prior approval of the above permissions from the competent authority but keeping in view the fact that the promoter has already completed one phase and the work of other phase is at advance stage after obtaining these approvals for the earlier phases. The Authority decided to grant registration of this phase and advised the promoter to make an application for amalgamation of all phases so that single registration could be considered. Dr. K.K. Khandelwal (Chairman)  Samir Kumar (Member)  Vijay Kumar Goyal (Member) APPROVED AND READY FOR CERTIFICATE ISSUING PROCESS View Order
29-Jun-2021 Proceedings dated: 29.06.2021 Ms. Bhanu Chhabra, Architectural Executive briefed the facts about the project. Sh. Rajeev Srivastava, Sh. Pawan Kumar and Sh. Daleep Kumar is present on behalf of the promoter. In terms of section 4 of the Real Estate (Regulation and Development) Act 2016, an application is made by the Promoter “M/s Perfect Buildwell Pvt. Ltd.” for the project “Zara Aavaas-3” with the prescribed fee for the registration of its real estate project. (Haryana Real Estate Regulatory Authority already has 2 phases registered of the Project. 82 of 2017 dated:23.08.2017.(5.00625 Acres) ,21 of 2019 dated:01.04.2019 (1.031 Acres)).   The project has been divided into phases based on the license area of a particular license. This is an additional license and for the license no. 12 of 2014 -OC issued. For license no. 96 of 2017-Construction work is in progress. Registration for phase-1 was issued by Interim Real Estate Regulatory Authority, Panchkula, and For Phase-2  registration was done by this Authority for the balance area of the project at that point in time. Now, the additional license registration is being applied as phase 3. No area remains without registration after registration of this phase as of now. On scrutiny of the application, it was found that there were deficiencies in the application which have been mentioned in PE, CA, LE scrutiny. Hence, the promoter may be issued 1st deficiency notice vide notice no. HARERA/GGM/RPIN/302 dated 03.03.2021 to remove the above deficiencies/ observations and given an opportunity of hearing on 15.03.2021. A letter was issued to the Department of Town and Country Planning regarding the phasing of the project. A major deficiency of the Project- 1.         Environment Clearance needs to be submitted. 2.         Fire scheme approval needs to be submitted. 3.         Approved Service plans and estimates need to be submitted. Promoter has also requested with an Affidavit that he will obtain the service plan and estimates, fire scheme approval and environment clearance approval in due course of time. The AR of the promoter submitted that the service plan estimates, fire scheme, and environmental clearance approval will come tomorrow i.e. 30.06.2021.  The promoter was asked to submit a copy of the above approvals within the next 2 days. The matter to come upon 06.07.2021. Dr. K.K. Khandelwal (Chairman) Samir Kumar (Member) Vijay Kumar Goyal (Member) ADJOURNMENT ---
22-Jun-2021 Proceedings Dated: 22.06.2021Ms. Bhanu Chhabra, Architectural Executive.The registration of the Affordable group housing project namely “Zara Aavaas-3” measuring 2.28125 acres situated at Sector-104, Gurugram developed by M/s Perfect Buildwell Pvt. Ltd.Sh. Rajeev Srivastava (GM), Sh. Pawan Kumar (PE) and Sh. Daleep Kumar (CA) are present on behalf of the promoter. An application regarding registration of the project phase of the Affordable Group Housing situated in Sector-104, Gurugram developed by Perfect Buildwell Pvt. Ltd. (Collaborator)was submitted dated 25.02.2021. The Promoter has already obtained the registration for an area measuring 5.006 acres vide RC no. 82 of 2017 and 21 of 2019 for 1.03125 acres for affordable group housing namely Zara Aavaas-1 & 2 respectively. The Promoter has obtained one more additional license measuring an area of 2.28125 acres vide license no. 72 of 2019 dated 03.07.2019. The promoter submitted the reply on 10.06.2021,18.06.2021 which were scrutinized, however, deficiencies in the project are still pending on behalf of the promoter.  The major deficiencies of the project are - approved service estimates and plans, Pert Chart, Superimposed demarcation plan showing the khasra numbers, Environment Clearance (Applied on 16.02.2021), Fire Scheme Approval. The AR made a submission that necessary deficiencies will be attended to. Matter to come upon 29.06.2021.Samir Kumar (Member)V.K Goyal(Member)Dr. K.K. Khandelwal(Chairman) ADJOURNMENT ---
17-May-2021 Proceedings Dated: 15.06.2021Ms. Bhanu Chhabra, Architectural Executive.As per the orders of the Authority, the matter is to come on 22.06.2021. OBJECTION ---
23-Apr-2021 Proceedings Dated: 23.04.2021Ms.  Bhanu  Chhabra, Planning Executive briefed about the project.Sh.Rajiv Srivastva , GM  is present on behalf of the promoter. A discussion with regard to additionality of the licenses granted to the promoter. It was discussed in detail whether the project is to be considered as a whole or in phases. Attention was drawn towards phasing of the project where multiple licenses have been granted as the completion certificate of the whole project (additional licenses) cannot be granted at one time in the entirety of the matter it needs fuller discussion as such. As such the matter was kept pending. Besides there are number of deficiencies which needs to be attended. The matter to come up on 17.05.2021Dr. K.K.Khandelwal (Chairman)Samir Kumar (Member)Vijay Kumar Goyal (Member)        ADJOURNMENT ---
19-Apr-2021 Due to COVID-19 Pandemic, the matter is Adjourned for 23-04-2021 ADJOURNMENT ---
15-Mar-2021 Mr. Rajeev Srivastava (General Manager) present on behalf of the promoter. The Authority directed the promoter to submit the reply within 15 days regarding the deficiencies conveyed to the promoter vide notice HARERA/GGM/RPIN/302 dated 03.03.2021. The Authority also decided to issue a show cause notice for the rejection of the application for registration of project namely “Zara Aavaas-3”. Next date of hearing is fixed for 19.04.2021. EXAMINATION BY AUTHORITY ---
Project Deficiency Details
Deficiency Date Deficiency Remarks Online Compliance Done Online Compliance Date Online Compliance Remarks Compliance Date Compliance Remarks
23-Apr-2021 Proceedings Dated: 23.04.2021Ms.  Bhanu  Chhabra, Planning Executive briefed about the project.Sh.Rajiv Srivastva , GM  is present on behalf of the promoter. A discussion with regard to additionality of the licenses granted to the promoter. It was discussed in detail whether the project is to be considered as a whole or in phases. Attention was drawn towards phasing of the project where multiple licenses have been granted as the completion certificate of the whole project (additional licenses) cannot be granted at one time in the entirety of the matter it needs fuller discussion as such. As such the matter was kept pending. Besides there are number of deficiencies which needs to be attended. The matter to come up on 17.05.2021Dr. K.K.Khandelwal (Chairman)Samir Kumar (Member)Vijay Kumar Goyal (Member)        Not Yet