Comprehensive Complaint Details
Complaint Detail:RERA-GRG-5301-2019
Party Dtls Self / Adv Name District Current Status Next Date of Hearing Complaint Dispatched Complaint Dispatched On Dispatched Tracking Id Complaint Dispatched Remarks First-Hearing/Scrutinized Remarks View Notice
Self GURUGRAM PENDING 24-Feb-2020 Yes 20-Jul-2020 EH770717070IN Sec 42lD A-H and QPR
Notice Details
Notice Number Remarks Dispatching Date Dispatch Id View Notice
First Notice NOTICE SENT 14-Nov-2019 EH787687289IN
Second Notice Sec 42lD 20-Jul-2020 EH770717070IN
Complaint Listing Details
Date of Hearing Status Proceedings of the day Bench Order Order Uploaded On
24-Feb-2020 PENDING --- ---
14-Jan-2020 PENDING The Authority directed to scrutinize the REP-I Part (A-H) received from the promoter along with requisite documents.After the scrutiny, if any deficiencies found then the same will be conveyed to the promoter within 15 days. Accordingly, online corrections shall be done by the promoter in the IT Department of the HARERA, Gurugram before the next hearing. After online corrections and removal of deficiencies, two hard copies duly binded and signed by the authorized signatory shall be submitted before next date of hearing. The promoter is directed to come on 31.01.2020 to receive their scrutiny sheet from the Authority.Matter will be heard on 24th Feb, 2020. K K KHANDELWAL SAMIR KUMAR SUBHASH CHANDER KUSH --- ---
06-Jan-2020 FIRST HEARING case is adjourned to 14.01.2020 K K KHANDELWAL SAMIR KUMAR SUBHASH CHANDER KUSH --- ---